

Thanks to Thinking of Rob you can now also read the translated interview after the cut. Rob talks about Remember Me, Bel Ami, Water for Elephant, Breaking Dawn and much more. Enjoy!
The vam?pire strikes back
As you’re nei?ther Amish or a char?ac?ter from Lost (cor?rect me if I’m wrong), we won’t do you the dis?hon?our of intro?duc?ing you to Robert Pat?tin?son, 24 years old, the vam?pire that sparkles under the sun, the actor who was unknown two years ago but who con?quered the Hol?ly?wood fortress and dri?ves girls around the world crazy. You already know all that. You almost cer?tainly know that The Twi?light Saga: Eclipse (directed by David Slade, direc?tor of Hard Candy), comes out in the?atres July 7th, a mere seven months after New Moon. The vam?pire saga which is now worth more than a bil?lion dol?lars at the inter?na?tional box office isn’t ready to hang up it fangs as the fourth instal?ment, Break?ing Dawn, is already announced for Novem?ber 2011. Pat?tin?son is get?ting tons of offers and is cur?rently nego?ti?at?ing an impor?tant turn in his career: become the new Johnny Depp or join Orlando Bloom and Hay?den Chris?tensen in the frozen aisle sec?tion. As he was fin?ish?ing Bel Ami, a Mau?pas?sant clas?sic and get?ting to begin?ning film?ing Water for Ele?phants, a Fran?cis Lawrence drama (I am Leg?end) with Reese With?er?spoon and Christoph Waltz, R-Pattz got caught by Pre?miere for an exclu?sive interview.
P: The last time we spoke you were film?ing New Moon. Now one year later we meet again for The Twi?light Saga Eclipse. I have trou?ble fol?low?ing it’s going so fast…
RP: Only two months went by between the film?ing of New Moon and Eclipse, dur?ing which I filmed Remem?ber Me. Every?thing, went by so fast that I feel like I never really left Twi?light. That being said, I still felt lost when I arrived on the set of Eclipse. I didn’t have any prepa?ra?tion time and it took me a few weeks to adapt.
P: What did you expect from David Slade and was he dif?fer?ent on set from what you imagined?
RP: I had absolutely no idea what to expect from a Direc?tor who was spe?cial?ized in movies more for adults, who doesn’t back away from very explicit bru?tal?ity. I sin?cerely won?dered how this uni?verse would merge with the Twi?light uni?verse, which isn’t known for its unbear?able vio?lence. David had very spe?cific ideas of what he wanted to do, with a work method and approach that was totally dif?fer?ent from Cather?ine Hard?wicke or Chris Weitz.
P: For example?
RP: Eclipse intro?duces many new char?ac?ters; the atmos?phere is less con?fined than the oth?ers. Twi?light was based on the romance between Edward & Bella, New Moon on the rela?tion?ship between Bella & Jacob with Edward in the back?ground. Eclipse allows each char?ac?ter to have his “moment”, the spec?trum is larger. The film also has more rhythm; it’s less based on intimacy.
P: Know?ing that there was a huge bat?tle at the end between vam?pires and were?wolves, did you some?times feel like you were film?ing a war movie?
RP: You couldn’t have said it bet?ter; we went through train?ing for almost a month before we began shoot?ing to learn how to fight and do stunts. It was noth?ing remotely like the pre?vi?ous instal?ments, where rehearsals were rather basic. Now it was purely phys?i?cal prepa?ra?tions. The fun?ni?est thing is that vam?pires and were?wolves each had their train?ing camp.
P: You had instruc?tors that were yelling at you and order?ing you to do push-ups?
RP: Con?stantly! To say that when I went to rehearsals I thought it would be like the 2 other movies: Kris?ten, Tay?lor and I rehears?ing the script in a room… I was surprised.
P: The choice of David Slade as a direc?tor stunned and showed courage from Sum?mit who pro?duces the saga…
RP: I don’t know if it was inten?tional, but each Direc?tor that worked on Twi?light had noth?ing to do with the pre?vi?ous one. Cather?ine and Chris had styles that were totally opposed, as artists as well as peo?ple. It’s the same with David, they all prac?tice three movie styles that are very spe?cific. It’s a good thing: I rather go to set and not know what to expect. I’m actu?ally impa?tient to dis?cover what Bill Con?don (Dream?girls) will do with the forth instal?ment. Once again it will be noth?ing related.
P: All this juicy stuff hap?pens in Break?ing Dawn: the sex scene, a birth scene where your char?ac?ter must per?form a c-section with his teeth.
RP: I know! I won?der how they’ll bring that to the big screen. We’ll end up hav?ing to ban it for peo?ple under 16… Can you imag?ine if they decided to go full out and Twi?light sud?denly became this totally hard?core series for adults with nude scenes? Sum?mit would sud?denly become the most pro?gres?sive stu?dio in the world. It would be funny.
P: I’m sure Stephe?nie Mey?ers would love that. Fans have actu?ally launched a peti?tion to keep the book inte?grally and so the movie is pro?hib?ited to peo?ple under 16. As the major part of the Twi?light fan base is quite young they’re basi?cally protest?ing to get banned from see?ing the movie.
RP: (Laughs) I’m sure they’d buy the DVD and would appre?ci?ate it even more because they love this story. I never felt like I had a role in the suc?cess of it all. Like I’ve always said, it’s the char?ac?ter that peo?ple love, not me. I hope to be able to reach out to peo?ple due to the qual?ity of the films that I make and not because peo?ple will hope to see a new Twi?light as soon as my name is in the end credits.
P: We heard all types of sto?ries sur?round?ing the film?ing of Remem?ber Me, like those of paparazzi that came out of the water when you were shoot?ing the beach sequence. You’re chang?ing their entire profession.
RP: No one can really under?stand this sit?u?a?tion unless you’ve lived it. The Remem?ber Me crew was hal?lu?ci?nat?ing when they saw 40 cam?era?men try?ing to steal pics of the set. Most of the actors hadn’t seen one Twi?light movie and didn’t under?stand what was going on.
P: They were ask?ing you why you paid so many pho?tog?ra?phers to show up on set?
RP: That’s it: “Hey Rob, I didn’t know that you needed that much of an ego boost!” (Laughs)
P: You say that being a celebrity opens doors but closes oth?ers. Which ones would you have liked to keep open?
RP: I’d like to not be para?noid of meet?ing new peo?ple. When I walk down the street I’m scared of meet?ing anyone’s eye in case they rec?og?nize me. I have to hide con?stantly, it’s a bit unset?tling. At the same time I live this weird way, I can’t be as open as I wish I could be. You learn as you go. Over the years, you learn to man?age the sit?u?a?tion more and more, I’m more at ease with the crazi?ness sur?round?ing Twi?light. I think you reach a peak at some point: either you lose it and become a recluse and turn your back on human?ity or you learn to accept it.
P: You seem more relaxed than last year…
RP: That’s the case. I’m begin?ning a new movie which I’m so enthu?si?as?tic about; I just fin?ished another one that I like. I know well enough that things wouldn’t have gone so fast for me with?out those fans who fol?low me every?where and peo?ple that rec?og?nize me on the street. You have to be realistic.
P: Do you think you’ve over?come the crazi?ness of the press or do you think there are still sur?re?al?is?tic expe?ri?ences to live?
RP: I have no clue… The advan?tage is that you don’t stay the object of so many stares for?ever. New actors will come and the atten?tion of peo?ple will move on to them. All this only lasts a while. The hys?te?ria reached its peak dur?ing Remem?ber Me, but it has already dropped since. When I was film?ing Bel Ami in Lon?don it was clearly calmer. I could go around freely.
P: Regard?ing Bel Ami, you know that French peo?ple will be wait?ing with this movie with a knife between their teeth…
RP: I’m aware of that, believe me. I would never have the courage to do promo for this movie in Paris I’m so stressed. I met Mar?ion Cotil?lard dur?ing a party before film?ing began and I asked her to read the script care?fully because there was a per?fect role for her. She asked me: “Why make Bel Ami in Eng?lish? It’s weird isn’t it?” At that moment I under?stood how the film will be received in your coun?try. I hope it will suc?ceed and that you will be open minded about it. What impresses me is that the book is not well known else?where. I only dis?cov?ered it after read?ing receiv?ing the script and it imme?di?ately became one of my favourite books.
P: At the moment you’re rehears?ing for Fran?cis Lawrence’s Water for Elephants…
RP: Yes with Reese With?er?spoon and Christoph Waltz. I’m really excited and ter?ri?fied at the same time to find myself face to face with actors such as these.
P: If Christoph Waltz asks you to give him a glass of milk start ask?ing your?self questions.
RP: For sure! He has a great role in the movie: he plays the Mr. Loyal of a cir?cus, a per?son who’s a totally cyclothymic and a bit crazy. I’m try?ing to steal his wife.
P: I admire your courage.
RP: Don’t you?
P: How would you react if every?thing stopped tomorrow?
RP: The end of the world you mean? I think I’d live well (Laughs). Actu?ally I have no idea. I would find some?thing else to do. The wave I’m surf?ing on right now is really help?ing me, but I haven’t accom?plished every?thing I wish to accomplish.
P: I’d see you play?ing music in bars in the nowheres of France.
RP: You couldn’t have said it bet?ter: when I was 19, I filmed a short movie in Brit?tany for 2 weeks. Every night I’d go play music in their pubs, it was fan?tas?tic. One of my favourite memories.
- Inter?view by Math?ieu Carrat
taken from www.robertpattinsonnews.com