Sunday, January 16, 2011

Links and Coverage of Tonight’s Golden Globes

The 86th Golden Globe Awards are taking place tonight and as you all know Robert Pattinson will be presenting the Foreign Films Award. We decided to put together a list of links and media outlets covering the awards to make it easier for fans. We will of course add all of the photos of Rob to our gallery after the show so make sure you check back.

To get all the details about this year’s awards visit the official Golden Globes website.

Red Carpet Coverage

MTV Hollywood Crush will be covering the red carpet outside the Beverly Hilton Hotel starting at 7pm ET. You can also follow them on twitter here for live coverage.

Popsugar will also bring live coverage of the red carpet and you can follow Popsugar on Twitter HERE, Popsugar UK HERE, and Popsugar AU HERE.

KTLA -you can watch their live coverage HERE, starting at 5:30 ET/2:30 PT.

•E! Online will be showing their live coverage HERE starting at 5 p.m ET and their actual red carpet show beginning at 6 p.m ET.

CTV will be covering the show LIVE on Sunday, January 16 at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on CTV (visit to confirm local listings).

•Living TV will be showing the red carpet in the UK at 11pm GMT.

Watch the awards live

•In the US on NBC at 8pm EST/5pm PST.
•In the UK on Sky Premiere at 1am GMT.
•TNT will be showing the awards live in Latin America.

Live streaming links - cannot guarantee that they will all work but it’s worth a try


Official “Breaking Dawn” HQ Still Of Edward and Bella

