Wednesday, June 23, 2010

LA Times: Eclipse Cheat Sheet

Here’s an Eclipse cheat sheet from the LA Times. I’m post­ing Rob’s part and and the main cast but click here to check out all the others.

From the LA Times:

To gear up for the third fea­ture to be adapted from the wildly pop­u­lar Stephe­nie Meyer books, here’s a study guide for Twi-hards and the unini­ti­ated alike. Roll over pho­tos to learn who’s who, read about their favorite scenes and time travel with their char­ac­ters into the future.

Key Play­ers

Robert Pat­tin­son

Char­ac­ter: Edward Cullen, the adopted son of Esme and Carlisle, adop­tive brother of Emmett, Alice and Jasper, and Bella Swan’s beau. He has the abil­ity to read minds, with the excep­tion of Bella’s.

Back story: It has taken the brood­ing Edward gen­er­a­tions to fall in love and now that he has, he feels respon­si­ble for Bella’s life — and soul—so resists turn­ing her into a vam­pire, though out­side forces are weigh­ing on him to do so. In “New Moon,” after a brief birth­day fiasco puts Bella in mor­tal dan­ger, Edward breaks up with her and the Cul­lens move away as a way to pro­tect her from fur­ther poten­tial harm from their kind. He soon finds it dif­fi­cult to live with­out her and returns only to find Bella is in renewed dan­ger and, in his absence, has devel­oped a close rela­tion­ship to her friend Jacob. Need­less to say, Edward and Jacob, do not care for each other.

Where is Edward 100 years from now? “Oh, God, I don’t know,” Pat­tin­son says. “I mean, it seems like he’s gone through so many prob­lems and the series is only over a period of like two years or some­thing — or three years, maybe, for the whole thing. I mean, you can’t keep liv­ing like that … it’s just crazi­ness the entire time. [Edward’s] prob­a­bly been killed or something.”

Kris­ten Stewart

Char­ac­ter: Isabella “Bella” Marie Swan, Edward Cullen’s girl­friend and best friend of Jacob Black.

Back story: Bella des­per­ately wants to be changed into a vam­pire so she and Edward can share their love for eter­nity. Edward, though, is deter­mined to keep her human to save her soul. It’s a dilemma made only worse when the rul­ing vam­pire body called the Vol­turi dis­cov­ers that human Bella knows of their exis­tence. They force a vow from the Cullen fam­ily to turn Bella within a year or they will kill her. Bella is also being hunted by the vam­pire Vic­to­ria, after the Cul­lens killed her sadis­tic mate James.

Favorite “Eclipse” scene: “There were two scenes that just were very impor­tant to me and they hap­pen one after the other,” Stew­art says. “It’s when Jacob and Bella kiss and then she goes and talks to Edward about it. It was just so dif­fer­ent from any­thing that I’ve played in this series so far. The movie is so very much about ulti­mate devo­tion, so to stray from that was just weird and cool and sort of makes the rela­tion­ship between Edward and Bella a lit­tle bit more real because now she’s seen another side and she can actu­ally con­sider some­thing else for five sec­onds of her life.”

Tay­lor Laut­ner

Char­ac­ter: Jacob Black is Bella’s best friend. He is a Quileute Native Amer­i­can and a mem­ber of the wolf pack.

Back story: Though Bella is still clearly in love with Edward, Jacob’s feel­ings toward her have grown. He has also dis­cov­ered that he is one in an ancient line of Quileute were­wolves — mor­tal ene­mies of the Cul­lens though sworn to a long-standing treaty with the fam­ily as long as the vam­pires don’t harm humans. Sus­pect­ing Bella’s desire to become a vam­pire, Jacob reminds Edward of the Quileute-Cullen treaty, imply­ing there could be trou­ble if she is bitten.

Favorite “Eclipse” scene: “I liked the tent scene a lot,” Laut­ner says. “I had a lot of fun film­ing it. But another really fun one occurred right in front of Bella’s house after I kissed her for the first time … and she punched me. Edward and Jacob get into a huge fight and we’re yelling at each other and he grabs my shoul­der and [Bella’s father] Char­lie comes storm­ing out and breaks up the fight. It was really a funny scene to film.”

Peter Facinelli

Char­ac­ter: Carlisle Cullen, patri­arch of the Cullen family.

Back story: In “Twi­light,” we’re intro­duced to Carlisle, a doc­tor in Forks, who, over the last cen­tury or so, “cre­ated” his happy, veg­e­tar­ian clan of vam­pires (they feed on ani­mal blood only). Pleased that Edward has finally found love, Carlisle is stead­fast in his will­ing­ness to pro­tect Bella from all threats and is in favor of turn­ing Bella into a vam­pire as she has long hoped for.

Favorite “Eclipse” scene: “I liked all the action stuff. For me, the train­ing sequence and the bat­tle scene were the ulti­mate,” Facinelli says. “I mean, we did six months of train­ing and we were finally able to take all that and put it to use. It was excit­ing. I’m sure the wolf pack is jeal­ous; they have all those mus­cles and abs, but it’s for noth­ing! They don’t even get to do stunts.”

Where is Carlisle 100 years from now? “Carlisle is still doing doc­tor work some­where … maybe back in Forks.”


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