Sunday, December 20, 2009

Rob Look-A-Like

on Novemember 29, 2009 was the Hollywood Annual Christmas Parade and it was said that a Robert Pattinson look-a-like was around there. No picture was taken which is sad but here is the part that talks about it. go to the article to read the entire thing.

A tall man dressed as Jesus, drinking coffee from a takeout cup, posed for pictures with passersby, like the Johnny Depp and Robert Pattinson clones who gather with the Elmos and Spidermen in front of the Chinese Theatre. Portable grills served Mexican food; cotton candy vendors worked the crowd. The Scientologists, who have made their Winter Wonderland diorama a holiday fixture, set up loudspeakers and, before the parade, presented singing children and peppered the vicinity with quotations from Chairman Ron's "nonreligious" "The Way to Happiness." (Galaxy Press, which publishes Hubbard's pulp fiction, had a float in the parade as well.) Shaggy-haired buskers played guitars in front of a smoke shop; teenagers passed cigarettes.

read here:,0,3595443.story
