Saturday, April 10, 2010




NEW Interview: Robert Pattinson Talks about Bel Ami With Népszava Online



Note from the translator:

The inter­view is prob­a­bly real, the inter­viewer is a famous hun­gar­ian reporter liv­ing in the US, same woman who did that inter­view with him posted below. I think the end of this inter­view is prob­a­bly from that meet­ing ( the CD thing).

Hun­dreds of twenty-somethings are lurk­ing around the Opera, on the Pol­lack Mihály Square and around the Amer­i­can Embassy, hop­ing they can get a smile, a pic­ture, an auto­graph and a bit more in Hun­gar­ian than „köszönöm, hogy csend­ben vagy­tok” (Thanks, for being quiet.) The messy-haired, shy, tight-lipped lad, who was sleep­ing at his agent’s two years ago, was happy if they let him on screen, but never wanted the hys­te­ria that sur­rounds him now.

Robert Pat­tin­son (for those liv­ing under a rock: Twi­light, New Moon) is con­quer­ing Uma Thur­man, Kristin Scott Thomas and Christina Ricci on the streets of Budapest, used for scenes of Paris, in the film adap­ta­tion of Maupassant’s novel, Bel Ami. Judg­ing by the pic­tures he looks just as good with a seri­ous face, wear­ing tail­coats and top hats as he is gig­gling, pulling his messy hair, wear­ing a mis­but­toned shirt and jeans that slipped to his hips – the way he looked dur­ing our meet­ing in New York, a few days before he left for Budapest.

All my col­leagues in Budapest are wait­ing for you to give an inter­view, but I know you already and know that you won’t give inter­views while you are work­ing. What are your plans for your days off in Budapest?

I’ve never been to East­ern Europe before and I have always wanted to go. You can imag­ine how curi­ous I am. I’ve heard from my friends that Budapest is a beau­ti­ful city. Peo­ple I know who’ve been to your coun­try, they all love it but sadly I won’t have much free time. And I won’t have much of a chance to be an anony­mous tourist.

The musi­cal scene in Hun­gary is bustling though and you like to make music.

The guys I grew up with all became musi­cians and they are really good, I usu­ally do some­thing with them.

What kind of instru­ments do you play?

I’m fight­ing with the vio­lin now, not with a teacher, only by myself, but not every­one around me is happy about it. And I’m com­pos­ing. It’s inter­est­ing; it all depends on the actual char­ac­ter I’m play­ing. The guy I play in my new movie, Remem­ber Me is a guy with deep feel­ing. When I was shoot­ing that movie, I com­posed lots of new songs. The guy in Bel Ami though is absolutely shal­low, who is not touched by any­thing in the world, espe­cially not by art and since I’m in his skin now, I have a total men­tal block.

Read the rest after the jump!

Do you have a band?

We had some­thing, but we fell apart. It’s really dif­fer­ent now that it’s not my main act any­more. It’s just a diver­sion from act­ing now. That sounds a lit­tle cheesy. Of course, if there’s a mic in a bar, you don’t have to ask me twice even today. I did that a few times in Los Ange­les, but some­one recorded it and put it on the inter­net and it scared me away. I don’t need that. I will wait until this crazi­ness around me dies down and then I will make music again.

As a part-time musi­cian, I guess you are inter­ested in the Hun­gar­ian musi­cal scene too.

What is that band in New York called? Gogol Bor­dello! Didn’t they do that doc­u­men­tary film about the east­ern Euro­pean gypsy musi­cians? I’ve been inter­ested in eth­nic folk­lore since my child­hood, so of course yes, I’d like to check out the Hun­gar­ian music too.

Ask the pro­duc­ers, maybe they can shut down a bar for you in Pest.

Nah, on one hand that wouldn’t be fair, on the other hand, that wouldn’t be like blend­ing into the clap­ping crowd and immerse myself into their music.

Let’s talk about Bel Ami then. Nicole Kid­man was sup­posed to play your lover originally.

I don’t know what hap­pened. She canceled…I didn’t get into it…Uma Thur­man took the role.

And why did you choose it? It’s a fact that you worked in clas­si­cal the­atre in Lon­don but we can only remem­ber you from the Harry Pot­ter movies and the Edward of the Twi­light Saga, which is light years away from Maupassant’s Bel Ami.

My agent sent me the script a year ago, and I read it not know­ing the novel, and to be hon­est I didn’t really know Mau­pas­sant either. I liked it instantly, because the script has some­thing spe­cial emo­tion­ally, that is really com­mon nowa­days. The world is full with men like Georges, the tail­coat and the top hat are just for­mal­i­ties. Every­one is envy and jeal­ous, noth­ing is enough for them, even if they reach their goals. Also, if I change from the three Twi­light movies, then this is the biggest jump, play­ing a guy who is rot­ten to the core, self­ish and raw, who is lead by his own feel­ings and steps over every­one with­out think­ing. I really felt the char­ac­ter, I saw him in my mind. And I liked that you can’t really see these epic, cos­tume movies any­more, so I grabbed the opportunity.

And what do you like in Twilight’s Edward?

I loved the sec­ond book much more than the first, that’s when I first con­nected with the char­ac­ter. You can be young or old, when you fall in love with some­one at first you start to idol­ize her, then you put her on a pedestal, then the other is a mir­ror. But after a while, you see your faults in this mir­ror and the more you see them, the less you can bear it and in the end you destroy the love, say­ing you don’t need this. This is real, I can tell you that. It’s strange that a cheesy book for girls like this brought me to fame, but it hap­pened and I won’t protest.

Speak­ing of love…

I was obsessed with a girl for 10 years, and we never talked a word. But I still have that diary I wrote back then, because if there’s a prob­lem in love, I just grab it and think about the per­son, if she is worth as much suf­fer­ing as the old one was? When I finally told her back then what I felt, her jaw dropped and told me I never even had a good word with her.

How old were you?


And noth­ing happened?

No, because she thought I was an idiot. But I became an actor because of her. She was the rea­son I signed for an ama­teur act­ing class.

You became a sex sym­bol since then, and it’s not easy to find your soul mate now, even if you believe in them.

I’d like to believe that but I would be in trou­ble if I found her so soon, because I’m not mature enough so I’d prob­a­bly screw up. And that other thing, being a sex sym­bol, no one should envy me, because 14 year old lit­tle girls admire me, it’s strange for me too. If I think about the fact that 2 years ago I couldn’t even get a date, and now every­one is obsessed with me…strange.

There’s a rumor that you got the role in Twi­light acci­den­tally, but I would like to hear the details from you.

I was liv­ing my life in Lon­don and I must con­fess I was fed up a bit with act­ing, so I made music instead. You can say that I wrote off act­ing in my head. But my Amer­i­can agent, who is a nice woman, didn’t leave me alone, told me that she hasn’t seen me in a year, I should get onto that plane and show up here. I did that, came to Los Ange­les, started to go to cast­ings, that’s how I got near Twi­light. The thought that it would be such a hit never crossed my mind. It seemed really small.

If you gave up act­ing so eas­ily, then why did you become an actor?

Acci­den­tally. It was never in my blood, I didn’t go to act­ing class in school. I fell into act­ing because that girl I was obsessed with was there and they let me be there around the stage. They were rehears­ing a musi­cal and one day I thought that it’d be great to play the lead. I never sang before an audi­ence but I went to the cast­ing and although I didn’t get the role, I debuted as a Cuban dancer. Then the play was done and the good actors went away, then Thorn­ton Wilder’s Our Town was cho­sen as the next play. And I was the only tall guy who seemed right for the role. After the pre­mier, an agent came up to me and signed me. That agent is the rea­son why I had a role in Van­ity Fair with Reese With­er­spoon, then I got into Harry Pot­ter. While I was doing these, I ran out of time to go to uni­ver­sity so I started call­ing myself an actor.

But you still haven’t moved to Hol­ly­wood, you still live in Lon­don, because they leave you alone there. Can you still go down for a beer?

It depends on the district. London is a big enough city with enough pubs where they don’t give a damn about who I am. You just have to find them. We went out recently with my friends and the wait­ress kept telling me that I looked like the guy from Twi­light, asked me if I wasn’t his brother. But she never thought that I’d go to a laid-back pub like that. If some­one rec­og­nizes me on the street, they usu­ally look away; they are too shy to come up to me. Less fame would have been enough for me but that’s how it is and I look at the pos­i­tives. Twi­light opened the door for me to make movies like Remem­ber Me and Bel Ami. I’m con­stantly work­ing and the price is the crazi­ness sur­rounds me every­where I got. But every actor wants to be on screen, and if they get roles that make their hearts beat faster then it’s really worth it.

Does the hys­te­ria around you have any effect on you?

Lon­don is so dif­fer­ent from Amer­ica. I can live a nor­mal life there and the fuss around me seems like a night­mare there. Some­times I think it was just a dream and then I should quickly let it go. I can just go from one movie to the other, as if noth­ing hap­pened. If I don’t care about it, then it’s sim­ply not there.

You said it’s bet­ter to let it go?

Yes, it’s bet­ter to for­get that I’m famous and act like I’m blind, I con­fess I’m still try­ing to fig­ure out what to do with this quick pop­u­lar­ity, because I’m scared that it will stop me from improv­ing. Not just as an actor but as a per­son too. But maybe I’m wrong.

I can hear the ques­tion marks in your voice. Or am I wrong?

You hear the uncer­tainty, which is dif­fer­ent from los­ing focus. Being uncer­tain is good, because you real­ize that you are not as sta­ble as you thought you were and you start try­ing to find things to hold on to. At least this is what I real­ized, as my own psy­chol­o­gist. Those peo­ple who sit in their offices have every­thing in their lives only for­get to actu­ally live. I rather vote for life and that means uncer­tainty at times.


Because every day has a lot more in it than what we real­ize. We don’t use our lives enough emo­tion­ally. We don’t go deep enough.

I get the impres­sion that they sent this fame thing to the wrong address.

Fame is a myth­i­cal thing, a strange value. You don’t need qual­i­fi­ca­tion, money, you can be born into it. Some peo­ple think that if you are famous, you have every­thing that’s impor­tant in life. That’s under­stand­able even if I don’t agree with it, because there is no other choice to break out. My gen­er­a­tion doesn’t want to hear that the only way to earn money is work­ing until you are 70, if you are lucky you don’t work for pen­nies, you can be a boss before retire­ment. My gen­er­a­tion is greedy, peo­ple want to be rich and famous at 20. Every­thing and now, that’s the key.

Not for you?

I don’t know. I would see it dif­fer­ently if I wasn’t famous. I never touched tabloids before and now…What they write about peo­ple, they totally destroy the per­for­mance of the actors. This whole celebrity cul­ture is dis­gust­ing. The more famous you are, the more tabloids write about you, the less peo­ple want to know about your movies, because what they see in the tabloids is more inter­est­ing than what they see on the screen. Actors lost that mys­tique. You can peek into their bed­rooms, you can ana­lyze their rela­tion­ships, you can make fun of their pain, so they are not inter­est­ing on the screen any­more if their lives are open books. I find it unbearable.

There’s this rumor about you that you and Kris­ten Stew­art will be engaged soon.

This engage­ment thing is total bull­shit, I don’t even know where it comes from. Kris­ten is my friend, I really like to work with her. She’s more mature than her age, a real pro­fes­sional, I couldn’t wish a bet­ter part­ner, because she makes my every move, every sen­tence authen­tic. A big fran­chise like Twi­light is a scary thing, because it put me on the map and I’ll have it for my whole life. So it’s impor­tant to get along with my part­ner, and Kris­ten is the per­fect part­ner. She sets the bar high, so I must deliver too.

But you didn’t answer my ques­tion, which means…

My only weapon for self-defense is to not care about the rumors. I con­cen­trate on my work and on the pos­i­tive sides of fame. You can’t even imag­ine how big it is that I don’t have to go to cast­ings any­more. They are the worst. Espe­cially when you don’t get the job in the end. Now I have lots of peo­ple around me, look­ing out for me, ask­ing me if the script is ok with me. Peo­ple say hi to me, smile at me on the street, come up to me to shake my hand. Lots of peo­ple stop me just to con­grat­u­late. That’s when I real­ize that there are so many good, nice, nor­mal peo­ple. And they are the majority.

You still have to walk around with body­guards. Does that bother you?

I only have the body­guards when I’m shoot­ing or when I have to go to some­where. As long as they don’t know where I live there’s no prob­lem. When there’s a crowd around me, that both­ers me. Because when I’m shoot­ing I wake up at 5am and by the time I get home I don’t have the energy for any­thing. I fall into the bed. I don’t really know nor­mal life nowa­days, but I can tell you which hotel has the nicer bathroom.

Sounds like you don’t have a life apart from acting.

There’s some­thing in that. I have a bor­ing life here and there, I read scripts, watch movies. And wait for the phone to ring. Once I say yes to some­thing I give 100%. And since I really don’t have much of a life apart from my job, I get so lost in my actual roles, that I for­get every­thing out­side of that. That’s how I cre­ate real char­ac­ters on the screen.

That sounded really dis­ci­plined com­ing from a rebel.

I know, peo­ple are com­par­ing me to James Dean, but don’t believe that. I was never a rebel. I don’t like when peo­ple tell me what to do, but I don’t rebel just to do so.

Not even against the sex sym­bol label?

When some­one is a man of few words like me, peo­ple eas­ily think that he’s sexy, because they think he has a secret.

And you/they don’t have one?

Oh, we/they do.

Maybe they can accept it more eas­ily when some­one breaks their heart. And not the other way around.

You can eas­ily break some­one else’s heart. In most cases peo­ple don’t even notice what they are doing.

And if some­one does it to you?

You mean how do I sur­vive? I try to act like as if noth­ing happened.

Do you have a rou­tine in that?

Oh sure. Hap­pens almost every day.

Then finally please let me say good­bye with a woman who has a heart-clenching voice, and who won’t break your heart. Maybe you’ll like her and meet her in Budapest. I brought to you the CD of Palya Bea.

Thanks. If you don’t come to Pest until then and I see her, I’ll give her your best regards.

–New York, Feb­ru­ary 2010



Robert Pattinson loves fans but thinks the paparazzi are jerks (actually worse): Details



Robert Pattinson isn't bashful about saying how much he likes his fans. Bringing in cash from the box office means he has a wide appeal that includes paying fans. And he knows it.

However, the paparazzi is a different story. In a recent interview with The Scotland Herald, his view of the picture taking media is below scum.

“The fans were lovely,” Robert Pattinson tell the Herald. “They would completely respond to people saying, ‘Can you please go and wait over there?’ even when there were tons and tons of them. But the paparazzi were unbelievable. While I was always quite nice to them before, now I think they are such ***holes.”

Now Robert Pattinson isn't scared of the fans nor the paparazzi, but we won't be coming to America without severe bodyguards as the media doesn't leave him alone. In London he was actually able to leave his place and go out without the crazy media shooting a picture every second.

