Any woman who can lift her leg that high has got to be a ballerina! Oh wait...
So, let me get this straight. Rob felt it was OK to forgo the period-correct and true-to-the-book twisty-ended mustache for Georges, the entire cast will speak in an English accent instead of a French accent (or actually in French like French people, yanno, tend to do), but Christina decided she needed to grow out the hair on her pits?! Gross! Let’s pray that the sexy sex scenes with Clotilde and Georges are tight shots of bodies rockin’.
Dear Mr. Editor, please only use shots where her naked arms remain in the down position the entire time!
Dear Christina, love you, mean it, but hairy pits will totally ruin a steamy sex scene with RPATTZ.
What do y’all think about it?
Thanks, I guess, to RobPattzNews for the tip. And thanks to Binzmac for the pit pic.