Friday, October 29, 2010

Video: Rob gives a school a day off


Great Bella and Edward Pumpkin from The Ellen Show

With Halloween fast approaching The Ellen Show shared on Twitter a picture of an Edward and Bella pumpkin. Check it out in our gallery by clicking the image below and let us know will you celebrate Halloween Twilight style this year?


"I am on a Boat"


So, it's been said (and talked about all over twitter) that our dearest Rob was spotted early this morning in a river in Baton Rouge learning how to drive a speedboat. I don't about you guys but I could really use some Robward Miami Vice style. UNF! It's nice to hear that they're all being so responsible about everything.

Pre Production is well underway in Louisiana and we are all itching for them to start filming!

Picture of the day - Can you guess?

Since it IS friday, we have decided to post several pictures of Rob so you can enjoy your weekend. All images have something in common. Can you guess???? Besides HHH and the hawtness? Happy FRIDAY everyone!
