Friday, August 6, 2010

Peter Facinelli Talks About Fame and Robert Pattinson

Here’s an extract from one of Peter Facinelli’s recent interviews where he talks about working with Robert Pattinson and the effects of fame. You can read the full article here at the source.

It’s hard to imag­ine now, but the crowds weren’t always there. While film­ing the first movie in Ore­gon, Facinelli said he and fel­low actors Kris­ten Stew­art and Rob Pat­tin­son could grab din­ner in local restau­rants and no one bat­ted an eye.

“We could’ve been doing a cookie com­mer­cial. Nobody cared we were doing this movie,” he said. “We felt a respon­si­bil­ity to make a good movie for the fans of the books. But some­where between the wrap­ping of film­ing and the pre­miere, that fan base exploded.”

Even after that, the dark-haired Facinelli said he often wasn’t rec­og­nized in pub­lic. In real life, he’s a young-looking 36 with a healthy glow about him. It takes up to two hours in a makeup chair to trans­form the actor into Carlisle Cullen, a 350-year-old vam­pire with bleach-blond hair and pale, shim­mery skin.

Of course nowa­days, admir­ers have no prob­lem pick­ing the L.A. res­i­dent out of a crowd. He’s happy to sign auto­graphs and pose for pho­tos, though he’d rather not pre­tend he’s bit­ing some­one. For the most part, he said, fans are friendly and supportive.

“They’re very polite about it,” he said. “I feel bad for Rob Pat­tin­son. He can’t walk any­where. I can still walk through a mall and peo­ple rec­og­nize me, but it isn’t like the whole mall is star­ing at me.”


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