If his pictures don't kill me, him trotting around Los Angeles surely will.
1 gorgeous man. 2 sightings. 3 people.
275,945 sobs from the ROBsessed Angelenos who were in the wrong place at the right time.
First up is from an MTV personality Thursday evening (9.2.10):
Cafe Stella...I love that place. Delicious. But hearing that Rob was there made me scream: "STELLLLLAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Ugh...so close...but yet...
Can't he just stay inside and order take out? *grumbling* kidding kidding
Second sighting, Friday 9.3.10, is no surprise. Soho House!
A Water For Elephants extra tweeted:
And an E News reporter tweeted:
While anyone can dine at Cafe Stella, Soho house is a joke for common folk. Membership is $$$$ and you need to be referred by a member. That still doesn't grant you access. There's the application process as well ;)
Glad Rob has a place that is so exclusive but it seems some of these Soho members are a bit ROBsessed as well...oh sure sure they'll claim they're telling the fans what they want to know but puh-lease. You know they go to sleep at night dreaming of Rob ;)
I thought I'd make us all a bit more jealous of the lifestyle by showing you some pics from the exclusive club.
I have a theory about a picture of Rob...I believe he "borrowed" a book from this room. Hehe...we know he likes to "borrow" ;)
Overlooking Sunset Blvd...at twilight? LOL maybe we should say dusk.
Clearly. If Rob is there so much...Soho House is where its at.
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