Monday, August 23, 2010

New Robert Pattinson Interview with Movie Star (Japan)

Here’s a new Robert Pattinson interview with Movie Star Magazine (Japan). Rob talks about the future and fame and you can read the translation below.


Q: Do you think that from early on being pushed into the pub­lic spot­light has made you more aware than other peo­ple that you have to be sure to live your own life?
Rob: It’s true that I was put in a place where I had to be more mind­ful and take more respon­si­bil­ity for every­thing. I couldn’t just be aim­less. Also, the direc­tion of my career has finally moved in a pos­i­tive direc­tion and I’ve tried to make a bit of progress. Thanks to the fact that I’ve had the time to think about a lot of things dur­ing this period, life itself is now free of the anguish that I felt in my past. I’m also now aware of just how lucky I am. I think that’s why I can enjoy it more and be more aware of what’s inter­est­ing to me and expe­ri­ence it all.

Q: When some peo­ple attain the kind of enor­mous suc­cess that you have they develop a sense of guilt over how much they’re blessed. Do you have any sense of guilt?
Rob: Sense of guilt? No. I just think it’s luck. I’ve just wanted to get the most out of all my oppor­tu­ni­ties and build a long career. That’s why now I have my feet firmly planted on the ground and I try to con­cen­trate on the work I’m get­ting and try to enjoy the sit­u­a­tion I’m in with­out get­ting both­ered by all the stuff that’s hap­pen­ing around me. After all, the most impor­tant thing to me as a human and as a pro­fes­sional is to evolve.

Q: Is it pos­si­ble to real­ize your own desire to have great act­ing skills as an actor and only as an actor even when you’re in the midst of all this pop­u­lar­ity?
Rob: The major­ity of peo­ple who are crit­i­cized by the pub­lic for this and that are the peo­ple who are con­stantly putting them­selves in the pub­lic eye. So I guess that means I could say that it’s bet­ter not to show one­self in pub­lic too much. I’d like to think that if you work hard to make high qual­ity movies then you won’t be eval­u­ated as a “mean­ing­less celebrity,” but rather by other fac­tors. If you’re seen as a celebrity, then it becomes more dif­fi­cult to be eval­u­ated based on the level of excel­lence of the movies you act in. But, to give one exam­ple, Johnny Depp has been win­ning that bat­tle. He’s the kind of per­son you can’t eval­u­ate based on image right? The object of eval­u­a­tion is always his act­ing skills. That requires a lot of self-discipline, and the abil­ity to hide from the pub­lic eye has also become impor­tant. You just have to get used to that.

Q: If you look back on your cur­rent self 10 years from now, what will you think?
Rob: I’ll prob­a­bly think that I should have enjoyed every­thing more dur­ing this com­pletely amaz­ing moment in my life. But it’s just now that I’ve finally begun to be able to really enjoy everything.


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